4 the Generation Featured in Power Pages

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Sharing her personal and project journey, IICRD's Cheyenne Stonechild features the 4 the Generation project in the latest issue of Power Pagesa magazine reaching more than 2,000 youth and sercive providers in British Columbia supporting young people in care (see page 22).

The Q&A story explores the 4 the Generation, a project to help urban Indigenous youth in the Greater Vancouver area to understand who they are and where in the world they came from. The project was supported by the Vancouver Foundation.

"Of course, being healthy and safe is extremely important, but so is better and more reasonable access to their own culture, cultural knowledge and knowledge keepers. It is critical to support the youth where they are at and to build positive, trusting, dependable relationships that can foster a sense of belonging to their own heritage." Cheyenne Stonechild

Stepping boldly into leading with children and youth to create a better future for us all.


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A Canadian non-profit charity working locally, nationally, and internationally.


PO Box 35039 Hillside Victoria, British Columbia Canada V8T 5G2