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Lead with Children, Transform our World

Imagine what it would look like if children co-created the world around us.  

The International Institute for Child Rights and Development sees the potential to transform child rights and step boldly into leading with children and youth to create a better future for us all.

Our vision is for children and youth to play a central role in shaping the present and future, with adults offering the support required, so that in collaboration, children and adults can strengthen and transform our world. To achieve this vision, we believe the approach to children’s rights needs to change.

We support this paradigm shift by: scaling child centered practices, leading community based system change work in the field, bridging diverse generations and sectors, and amplifying child-led actions.

IICRD is a small, nimble and innovative Canadian-based charity affiliated with Royal Roads University. We draw on diverse partners and intergenerational practitioners by working with communities to ensure that young people have the support required to reach their full potential. We do this through wide-ranging projects, in Canada and around the world, focused on participatory research, applied evaluation, professional education and community capacity building initiatives.

Our approach focuses on evolving and learning by: serving, listening, leading, and learning with children facing adversity around the world.

    To learn more about how IICRD is striving to lead with children to transform our world, we invite you to check out:


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    Stepping boldly into leading with children and youth to create a better future for us all.


    Contact Info

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    A Canadian non-profit charity working locally, nationally, and internationally.


    PO Box 35039 Hillside Victoria, British Columbia Canada V8T 5G2