Phase 2 WVEA TOC and CSSP Evaluation

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April and May brought Philip and I to East Africa for phase 2 of the TOC work and to support the ADP's in setting up their final evaluation of the Child Safe Spaces Project.

Generously hosted in Ubumwe ADP, Rwanda, Medebay Zana ADP in Ethiopia and Mtinko ADP in Tanzania and inspired by all of the good work being done to create safer spaces for children.

A few Highlights -

  • 'Wajibika' - It is everyone's responsibility (to protect children) Mtinko
  • Faith leaders working together - MedebayZana
  • Nutrition and school gardens playing an instrumental role in Child Protection - Ubumwe

I will post the trip reports for those interested in learning more.

Stepping boldly into leading with children and youth to create a better future for us all.


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A Canadian non-profit charity working locally, nationally, and internationally.

PO Box 35039 Hillside Victoria, British Columbia Canada V8T 5G2