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I now embark on a journey of improving my knowledge and skills in child protection. I join this forum/community with such intention and purpose and I pray I will have a beautiful story to tell and  a successful journey to share. 


A report of a community level assessment I conducted with community child protection/ CVA teams. Enjoy the read. I welcome any feedback and further support to make use of this data- mostly qualitative. Report uploaded in IMCE above

The way forward for this community is to adopt the community-change methodology-- a six step process that will enable them change the negative and harmful attitudes and practices prevailing in their communities and when I go through the Circle of Rights, will be able to support even further

Hi Agatha, Very interesting results from your community survey, what is your next steps in supporting this community? Does WV have a set of tools to engage communities, is this ADAPT? We would likely use the Circle of Rights set of tools to engage adults and children in developing child rights and protection strategies. I look forward to learning more about this and continuing to dialogue.

After taking the CPCs of a local community known as Kamuda through a Child Protection training, one participant rose up and said, "in fact thank you for sharing the CPA-Child Protection and Advocacy outcomes in such a manner (supported them to score their community against the 7 outcomes and they rated 80% poor, 20% fair and 0% good). we have woken up now. As we went for break, we buzzed through our next steps. we already have an idea of how to take our child protection work forward". I was baffled. I was like this is it. This group is so ready and I hope to work together with the World Vision Office to support them 

Thank you Dr.Philip. I sure need you and the CPID to hold my hand and support me on this journey.

Hi Agatha, great to see you on the community of practice, I look forward to staying connected and supporting you in whatever way is most helpful

Stepping boldly into leading with children and youth to create a better future for us all.


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