The Global Reference Group on Accountability to Child Rights and Well-Being (GRGA), established to serve the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, is a network of expert persons and organizations that confer on accountability to child rights and well-being.
The GRGA has over thirty members worldwide, who are experts in child rights, monitoring and evaluation, including representation from the Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN agencies, international NGOs, government ministries, public health organizations, and academic institutions.
Representatives of the GRGA confer and consult generally by distance communication and at international meetings of opportunity.
The GRGA works closely with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and its Accountability Focal Group (AFG), including organizing and participating in workshops for the Committee, for example at Sion, Switzerland, in 2012, and at Annecy, France, in 2014.
The Secretariat of the GRGA is held by the International Institute for Child Rights and Development, and includes IICRD Executive Director Dr. Philip Cook, Deputy Director Dr. Stuart Hart, Lothar Krappmann (former Committee member), and Ziba Vaghri (WHO specialist in early child development, former research director for HELP, UBC).