Skill Recognition and Certification Overview

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The International Institute for Child Rights and Development offers a series of skill recognition, trainings, leadership and post-secondary accreditation opportunities:

  1. Skill Recognition STAMPS are offered to young people in collaboration with community organization/educational institutes to recognize the traditional and contemporary skills they are learning to become innovative leaders and child protection practitioners that are better able to support sustainable development and the well-being of vulnerable children and youth.
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  2. Specialized Certificate Training Courses that respond to the emerging needs of professionals and practitioners in sustainable development and child and community well being and protection and development/leadership-related fields are offered through IICRD and partners. These certificate training courses build on 25 years of IICRD's experience working with young people and practitioners to support the well being of children and youth from a tradtional/cultural perspective, and focus on broadening and deepening specific self-awareness, knowledge, skills, and accountable action capabilities and leadership. Ongoing mentorship is also available to Level 2 participants.
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  3. Accreditation for directed studies, capstone projects or specialized courses at the Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral levels, and support to access post secondary oppotunities/programs are also available with post-secondary institutions such as Royal Roads University (RRU) in Victoria, British Columbia.
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Stepping boldly into leading with children and youth to create a better future for us all.


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A Canadian non-profit charity working locally, nationally, and internationally.

PO Box 35039 Hillside Victoria, British Columbia Canada V8T 5G2