The International Standards Council (ISC) is an international body that gives advice and recommendations towards the formulation and application of international standards for child rights work done on an international level.
Established by IICRD in May 2009, the ISC was originally intended to serve these purposes specifically IICRD, and is actively involved in doing this, but its potential value appears to exceed this original narrow IICRD concentations. The goal and objectives of the ISC are to be pursued in close cooperation with international and national NGOs and UN Agencies, in particular, UNICEF, WHO, UNESCO and ILO.
Current members of the International Standards Council
- Dr. Yanghee Lee - Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
- Dr. Jaap Doek - Former Chair and current Member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
- Dr. James Garbarino - Maude C. Clarke Chair in Humanistic Psychology at Loyola University
- Honourable Landon Pearson - Director of the Landon Pearson Resource Centre for the Study of Childhood and Children's Rights
- Dr. Cindy Kiro - Former Children's Commissioner of New Zealand
- Dr. Marta Santos Pais - UN Secretary-General's Special Representation on Violence Against Children
- Dr. Maria de los Dolores Aquilar Marmolejo - Director General of the Inter-American Children's Institute
- Dr. Aseffa Bequele - Distinguished Fellow of the African Child Policy Forum
- Dr. Clyde Hertzman - Director of the Human Early Learning Partnership at the University of British Columbia
- Mr. Marcus Stahlhofer - Human Rights Advisor for the World Health Organization