Stepping Up Child Protection

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An Assessment of Child Protection Systems from all countries in South Asia


Across the South Asian region, abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence is affecting millions of children. This violence cuts across social, cultural, religious and ethnic lines. Sometimes violence is right in front of our eyes and sometimes it is hidden. But even if it goes unreported, we know children are suffering in a range of settings - at home, in schools, in the community, in their workplaces, institutions or emergencies. Oftentimes perpetrators of violence are someone the child is close to and trusts.

Through the formation of the South Asian Initiative for Ending Violence Against Children (SAIEVAC) governments have reiterated their commitment to addressing the enormous scale and urgency of violence against children in all forms and together try to coordinate, standardize, and monitor progress annually. While the UN Study’s recommendations are an overall broad framework for all governments in South Asia, SAIEVAC provides specific actions for governments in the region and offers practical indicators to ensure governments can measure change.

Report by Save the Children

Stepping boldly into leading with children and youth to create a better future for us all.


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