In 2014-2015, IICRD was contracted for the curriculum development of the Fundamentals of Child Protection Programming Course to support Plan International and its partners to better understand:
- Violence against children and Child Protection Programming
- Child Protection systems and how to strengthen them, and
- Plan’s unique approach and standards to protect children from all forms of violence
The course takes the learner through three modules spread over 6 weeks, where the participant is expected to spend approximately six hours per week on readings, activities and online discussions.
Module 1: Violence against Children and Child Protection Programming
Module 2: A Systems Approach to Child Protection
Module 3: Plan’s Approach to Child Protection Programming
The course is aimed at those who wish to enhance their knowledge, skills and self-awareness of Child Protection Programming and system strengthening; have completed Plan’s mandatory Protecting Children and Facilitating Community Development (CCCD) Courses and have the core competencies associated with Plan’s Child Protection Policy (Safeguarding). Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Understand the root causes and impact of violence on children from a position of personal self-awareness and understanding.
2. Understand a Rights Based approach to Child Protection and have the knowledge and tools to design context specific responses and solutions to address Child Protection issues, and concerns from children’s own experience.
3. Understand a systems approach and the important role it plays in effective Child Protection Programming.
4. Apply the tools to map the key community players and local and national government Child Protection agencies and use a systems approach to strengthen capacities to better protect children in both development and emergency settings.
5. Understand the distinction between Safeguarding and Child Protection Programming within Plan and integrate a focus on Child Protection across your work.
6. Be able to apply Plan’s CCCD standards, Rights Based approach, and commitment to gender equality, inclusion and child participation to strengthen systems of Child Protection in your Child Protection Programming.
IICRD also developed a Fundamentals of Child Protection Programming Theory of Change for Plan Internationa, an intentional applied series of learning pathways to strengthen Plan International’s child protection (CP) work with children. Specifically, the ToC is set in the context of the recently developed Plan Academy Course: The Fundamentals of Child Protection Programming. The ToC supports Plan’s recently approved Global Strategy for Child Protection (CP) (2015 – 2020) and focuses special attention on implementation and intended impacts of the course.