IICRD Insights and Influence

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Annual Report: 2015-2016

During our Annual General Meeting on December 6, the International Institute for Child Rights and Devopment presented its Annual Report focused on Influence and Insights from 2015-2016.

In particular, this year IICRD gave child right meaning and catalyzed positive change by:

  • Engaging, training and mentoring more than 800 children and youth in 15 countries
  • Shining light on complex issues to support 8 leading international and Canadian-based organizations to improve the lives of young people around the world. Thousands of practitioners and millions of children are connected to these organizations. 
  • Engaging a skilled team of 8 staff, 34 Associates, and 9 Board of Directors in the  2015-2016 fiscal year. 

Please see our infographic annual report to explore how IICRD is contributing to its vision to create a world with more dignity, belonging and justince for children, families and communities. 

We would like to particularly thank outgoing Directors, Bill Myers (Chair) and Catherine Etmanski, for their leadership, wisdom and inspiration. Newly elected Directors include Cheyenne Walters, Nigel Fisher, Renee Lorme-Gulbransen and Wendy Rowe. Katie Shaw-Raudoy will become the new Chair of the Board for 2016-2017.


“Increasingly in the world of advocacy, IICRD stands as a beacon for when cooperation works. This is hard to quantify in metrics, but this is an attribute of IICRD that should be broadcasted.” – Simon Jackson, IICRD Board Director


Stepping boldly into leading with children and youth to create a better future for us all.


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A Canadian non-profit charity working locally, nationally, and internationally.


PO Box 35039 Hillside Victoria, British Columbia Canada V8T 5G2