CRED-PRO is an international initiative endorsed by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
It is devoted to developing and providing educational programs on the human rights of children to professionals working with and for children in partnerships with professional associations and other key organizations worldwide.
CRED-PRO is intended to foster a critical mass of respect for children, their needs, their rights and their best interests among and through professionals who, by virtue of their expertise, leadership and acknowledged value, influence the lives of children, their families, and communities.
To achieve its long term purposes CRED-PRO is:
- Producing and making available an electronically retrievable international resource base of existing educational/training materials on the application of children's rights to professional practice for all relevant professions;
- Producing a child rights foundational module for all professions and extended profession-specific adaptations and advanced practice, policy and research modules with the ability to be adapted to different cultural, economic and social environments;
- Developing and implementing strategies and systems for ensuring the implementation of child rights education for relevant professions at pre-service preparation and continuing education levels;
- Sharing and implementing the child rights education curricula-modules through the creation of an interdependent network of educators, professionals, governmental, and child advocacy organizations dedicated to the improvement of children's lives;
- Exploring the possibility of an accredited higher-education, doctoral, curriculum that can be implemented on a virtual, online basis, and
- Establishing a network of cooperative centers of higher learning.
Mission and Values
Child Rights Education for Professionals (CRED-PRO) is an international initiative to improve the well-being, development and health of children throughout the world by infusing a child rights approach in all aspects of the professional services and policy applied to children and youth. Its fundamental orientation to children’s rights is embodied in the values, principles and standards of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Consistent with the spirit and nature of the Convention, CRED-PRO’s primary goal is achieve understanding, respect and application of children’s rights as a way of professional life for all those working for and with children. Voluntary, respectful partnerships are central to CRED-PRO’s mission and values, pursued through working cooperatively with professions, higher education, civil society and government to make mutually valued advances in direct practices, community and systems programs, and advocacy influencing children’s quality of life.