SEARCH was a multi-partner initiative designed to improve legal and institutional mechanisms for the promotion and protection of the rights of children, ethnic minorities, and migrant workers.
As a member of the SEARCH team, IICRD provided child rights, culturally relevant and contextual strength based expertise to better support children affected by trafficking and migration through community based interventions and the rule of law.
Specific initiatives undertaken include:
- Assisting in the development of a regional child rights strategy for the SEARCH project partners;
- Working with ASEAN to develop a regional women and children’s human rights commission;
- Partnering with UNIAP and Kohn Kaen University, Thailand in hosting a regional human rights training for law enforcement officers and NGOs;
- Helping scale up a community based, multidisciplinary professional team approach to supporting child victims of trafficking in Thailand;
Assisting in a regional mapping of ethnic minority children’s rights issues in SE Asia.