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Certificate Training Courses build on IICRD expertise and experience, and respond to the emerging needs of professionals and practitioners in child and community well being and protection and development-related fields. Courses focus on broadening and deepening
Specialized training courses are delivered through a network of IICRD experts and specialists across the globe. Face to Face courses are offered in different locations throughout the year with online support (check Upcoming Events). Organizational and commnity based trainings are also available upon request. Contact info@iicrd.org for more information.
A multiday training focused on deepening one’s ability to be a reflective practitioner.
There is a special emphasis on understanding self in relation to others and the natural world, cultivating a mindful, reflective practice, building from strengths, culture and the natural environment, nurturing empathy, authenticity, and responsibility, conflict resolution, and tending to self- the importance of self-care.
A multiday training focused on the development of skills and practices to work more effectively with children, youth, families, and communities and transformative leadership skills.
Emphasize is placed on the learning of creative, experiential tools and approaches for working with young people, listening to and talking with children, meaningful youth engagement, conflict mediation, and the creative use of the arts, creative expression and technology to better understand the lived realities of children and youth and help them create the change they want to see.
A multiday training focused on the development of knowledge, skills and practices to better undersand and support young people to relate, respond and restore young people to positive growth pathways.
This specilized course developed by Lesley duToit and Eric Laursen explores strengths, positive development, painbased behaviours and effective ways to respond to children and youth in crisis through culturally grounded classroom and experiential activities and role plays.
A multiday training course focused on the development of knowledge, skills and practices to take accountable actions that reflect the best interests of children, youth, their families, and communities.
Introduces tools for child-centred planning, monitoring, and evaluation, developing a child protection policy, child-centred corporate social responsibility, developing indicators to measure child protection and well-being, change-focused accountability tools.
A multiday training focused on the development of knowledge, skills and practices to better understand the lived reality of young people.
Introduces tools for child-centred research, monitoring, and evaluation that seek to both engage young people in the process and understand their perspective, the development of child led indicators and tools to use research findings to influence policy and practice.
A multiday training focused on questioning, broadening and deepening one’s knowledge and understanding of child protection and well being in the contexts of child, community, and international development systems.
Introduces tools to better understand child and family well being and protection and community systems of protection that focuses on an ecological approach to child rights and protection, risk and resilience in adversity, therapeutic and holistic approaches to working with vulnerable children and youth, and the ethics of working with children.
A multiday training focused on the development of skills and practices to work more effectively with children, youth, families, and communities and resolve conflict through the use of meaningful conversations.
Introduces and practices Art of Hosting tools such as circle, open space technology, world cafe, and proaction cafe are introduced as tools to have meaningful action oriented conversations around the well being of children and community. Concepts from the 4 fold path, wicked questions and harvesting are also introduced as a means to better support the well being of children and youth in community and facilitate reconciliation.
Ongoing training and implementation of a 4 step process of leading with young people to create sustainable development and positive social change.
The training equips practitioners with the tools to begins with children’s own perspectives and helps community stakeholders, agencies and policymakers to develop integrated child rights policy, programming and monitoring systems that build from local strengths in meeting challenges facing children, their peers, families and communities.
While the implementation of the tools enables practitioners to:
Understand child protection context and identify opportunities for influence
Give voice and visibility to children and youth, highlighting their unique experiences and perspectives
Challenge assumptions about community child protection, grounding it in their day to day realities
Create space for inter-generational understanding, discussion and reflection around child protection concerns
Support informed innovation and collective, sustained actions
Stepping boldly into leading with children and youth to create a better future for us all.
A Canadian non-profit charity working locally, nationally, and internationally.